Configuring sapes involves two things: (1) setting up config.txt and (2) setting up the file system. config.txt controls how sapes operates and what domains it is responsible for. The file system must be setup so that you have a directory for each domain and a sub-directory under the domain directory for each mailbox.
config.txt is were all of the sapes parameters are stored. mailserv, the sapes program, looks for config.txt in the working directory. If you don't know what the working directory is then simple start sapes from the same directory that config.txt is in. For instance, if config.txt is in /home/doug/sapes then start mailserv like this: cd /home/doug/sapes, ./mailserv. Trying to start mailserv from somewhere else (like cd /home, doug/sapes/mailserv) will result in an error since sapes could not find config.txt.
There are several parameters in config.txt. Each of them is explained here.
Here is an example config.txt file.
smtp_port:2025 pop3_port:20110 http_port:2080 send_dir:/home/doug/oss/sf/sapes/data/senddir scan_interval:1 sender_threads:5 domain_count:1 domain1_mailboxes:/home/doug/oss/sf/sapes/data/mailboxes/ use_http_monitor:1 resource_dir:/home/doug/oss/sf/sapes/resource |
Each domain that is specified in the config.txt file. The config.txt file points to a directory that is created for the domain. For instance, if domain1_mailboxes is /home/doug/, then that directory must be created.
In order to get the e-mail server setup correctly you will have to have a domain that you can configure. You will then need to set the MX records in that domain to point to your machine that you are running sapes on. However, you don't need to do that if you are only going to work on the http monitor. But if you want to setup a complete e-mail server, you will have to do it. In case you don't know, MX stands for mail exchange (I think). It is a DNS record for specifying mail servers for domains.